Resources for Continuum Learning

How do we set the foundation for lifelong learning?  In the early months and years of life, these five resources will help you practice continuum learning with your little ones.  Follow-Up to Attachment Parenting and Continuum Learning.  Scroll down for summary table of  Resources and Skills Learned.

Woman Breastfeeding Child

Painting: Abhishek Kumar.

1. Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding helps children learn a vital skill that they need all their lives:  how to eat.

Children’s first introduction to the flavors and feelings of food comes through breastfeeding.  As they gradually increase the variety and quantity of the food they eat, nursing serves as a safety net, allowing them freedom to try foods without any obligation to eat a given quantity by a given time.  Breastfeeding babies have time to acquire taste for a healthy variety of foods, while assured nutrition through mother’s diet.  Nursing also provides antibodies that help little ones as they explore the wider world and come into contact with more germs.  A partially weaned, breastfeeding child will often turn into an exclusively-breastfeeding child (ebf) when ill, and may require little or no other medicine to fight the illness. Read the rest of this entry »

Table of Resources for Continuum Learning

Read the full the post here:

Resources for Continuum Learning



What Baby Learns

How Family Benefits


Well nourished mother, togetherness of mother and baby.  Can be met in part by expressed breastmilk during hours mother and baby are separate.

The world is a safe place.

How different foods taste

How food makes me feel

How I feel when hungry or full.

When I fall down, fall ill, or am sad, afraid or unsure, I have a home base where I can restore myself.

Mother believes in her body.

Whole family eats happily without stress.


Sling.  Caring person.

This is how we go about the day, talk, listen, cook, wash, garden, catch the train, etc.

I can observe and explore from a safe place.

I can communicate my needs without shouting.

I can get down and back up whenever I want.

Each member of my family has a different voice, gait, way of doing things.

Parent / carer is able to carry child hands-free.

Family includes child in their activities.

Variety of settings stimulate parent-child interaction.

Nursing Kurta

Nursing Kurta

My mother takes me to interesting places.

I am safe in the world.

Breastfeeding is normal.

I can meet my needs while my mother does various things.

Mother can go anywhere assured that she can breastfeed anytime.  [Can do with any dress, but some find it easier with kurta designed for discreet nursing.]

Elimination Communication

Potty, bowl or toilet area.

Waterproof sheets to protect bed, furniture, etc in early stages.

Simple cloth for baby’s bottom.

My bottom is normally clean and dry.

When I am wet or dirty, my adult will help me promptly.

I can relieve myself in a clean place.

My body works just right!

Feels good to respond to hygiene needs promptly.

See satisfaction when baby relieves himself or herself.

Supports healthy body image.

Enhances communication.

Family Bed

Mat on the floor or firm bed with space for family

I learn to breathe in my sleep by sleeping near breathing adults.

I am safe while sleeping.

I need not shout to be heard.

I can breastfeed while sleeping.

I can express my hopes and dreams, concerns and fears.

Comfort of child nearby.

Can nurse at night without getting out of bed or fully waking.

Chance to hear thoughts that may not come up in the rush of the day.

Attachment Parenting and Continuum Learning

 If play-school and pre-school prepare a child for school, how does a parent prepare a toddler or young child for a lifetime of learning?

The question arises because of the way schools are marketed in India, in a climate of fierce competition for admission. If, as in other countries, one was assured admission into first grade, or any grade thereafter, there would be no pressure on parents to make decisions regarding schooling prior to school-age. The Right to Education Act takes a step towards providing that assurance, because it in fact states that schools cannot deny admission. Read the rest of this entry »