It’s official! Bathroom schooling comes out of the closet.

You thought I was kidding when I said that we do bathroom schooling.  (Here and here.)  I wasn’t. Well I was but then what would my non-kidding answer be?  Kidding was better than splitting hairs over whether I was homeschooling or unschooling. Read the rest of this entry »

Attachment Parenting and Continuum Learning

 If play-school and pre-school prepare a child for school, how does a parent prepare a toddler or young child for a lifetime of learning?

The question arises because of the way schools are marketed in India, in a climate of fierce competition for admission. If, as in other countries, one was assured admission into first grade, or any grade thereafter, there would be no pressure on parents to make decisions regarding schooling prior to school-age. The Right to Education Act takes a step towards providing that assurance, because it in fact states that schools cannot deny admission. Read the rest of this entry »

Letter from Department of School Education & Literacy

Here is a letter that P.K. Tiwari in the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development wrote in response to Mike Donnelly of the US-based Home School Legal Defense Association.  The date on the letter is 10 January 2011.  Dr. Mathew Peedikayil shared this letter with the homeschool group in Mumbai and later at the Learning Societies Conference in Jhadpoli.

I am posting the letter here for reference.

Dept of School Education & Literacy_Jan 2011.pdf